1,599 research outputs found

    Identity and Interpretation of Public Artworks: A Challenge to Intentionalism

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    This paper explores whether MT and IT apply to public artworks. In particular, it discusses whether a public artwork can acquire through time a property that cannot possibly accord with the artist's intentions, and consequently, whether an interpretation that attributes that "new" property to that public artwork can be legitimate. It also clarifies when an artwork is public and introduces the example of a public artwork that seems to have acquired a property at odds with the artist's intentions. It discusses and argues that Carroll's intentionalist account of conversation is insufficient. Conversations, like public artworks, possess perlocutionary features that, at least sometimes, cannot be explained on intentionalist grounds

    Street Art, Decorum, and the Politics of Urban Aesthetics

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    In the last forty years or so, authorities across the globe have appealed to the notion of decorum to justify authoritarian policies of urban control. Such a notion is distinctly aesthetic insofar as it deals with good taste in matters of appearances and behavior; decorum is about what we should or is appropriate to see and do in public spaces. When considering how deeply discussions and policies of decorum shape our daily lives, it is surprising that aestheticians have largely ignored the city as a subject of inquiry. In this paper, I examine the heretofore largely overlooked link between the city’s decorum, as a key notion in political discourse, and the discipline of aesthetics. At a general level, I show that the urban landscape is a domain where politics and aesthetics merge. More specifically, I argue that street art should be conceptualized as a subversive response to the authoritarian aesthetics that is embedded in political discourse about decorum. Street art injects into the urban landscape a dose of spontaneity. In doing so, it turns upside-down the exclusionary strictures of dominant politics of decorum that admits as appropriate, and perhaps beautiful, only the authorized and the sanctioned. By creating temporary zones of spontaneity, street artists invite us to imagine alternative ways to use the city

    A Dependable Autonomic Computing Environment for Self-Testing of Complex Heterogeneous Systems

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    AbstractThis paper is part of a R&D project aiming at the definition and implementation of an environment for dependable autonomic computing. The primary goal of the study is the increase of dependability of digital systems using self-healing techniques. Mobile agents implement self-testing policies for complex and heterogeneous systems. The aim of this paper is to present the general ideas of the project, describe the design decisions and a detailed view of the current architecture. The research includes design and development of a working prototype

    Educative practice of community health agents analyzed through the category of praxis

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    Este estudo teve como objetivos: analisar as concepções de educação em saúde que norteiam as práticas educativas dos agentes comunitários de saúde do Programa de Saúde da Família da Coordenadoria de Saúde da Subprefeitura do Butantã da cidade de São Paulo, e analisar o caráter dessas atividades educativas. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de grupos focais e entrevistas individuais com 39 agentes. Os procedimentos de análise seguiram as recomendações da análise temática, tendo a práxis como categoria de análise. Em relação à atividade teórica, componente da práxis, constatou-se que grande parte das concepções de educação em saúde se pautava na transmissão de informações normativas aprendidas com os técnicos de saúde. Essa atividade teórica acabou por guiar uma atividade prática característica da práxis reiterativa em que os agentes não participam do planejamento do processo de trabalho em saúde e não dominam o "objeto ideal", reproduzindo tarefas planejadas por outros.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos: analizar las concepciones de educación en salud que orientan las prácticas educativas de los agentes comunitarios de salud en el Programa de Salud de la Familia de la Coordinación de Salud de la Alcaldía menor de Butantã en la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil; y analizar el carácter de esas actividades educativas. La colecta de datos ocurrió por medio de grupos focales y entrevistas individuales con 39 agentes. Los procedimientos de análisis siguieron las recomendaciones del análisis temático, teniendo la praxis como categoría de análisis. En relación a la actividad teórica, componente de la praxis, se constató que gran parte de las concepciones de educación en salud se basaba en la transmisión de informaciones normativas aprendidas con los técnicos de salud. Esa actividad teórica acabó por guiar una actividad práctica característica de la praxis reiterativa, en que los agentes no participan del planeamiento del proceso de trabajo en salud y no dominan el "objeto ideal", reproduciendo tareas planeadas por otros.This study aimed to: analyze the conceptions of health education that guide educational practices of community health agents in the Family Health Program of the Butantã Health Coordination, São Paulo, Brazil, and analyze the character of these educational activities. Data were collected through focus groups and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 39 agents. The analysis procedures followed the recommendations of thematic content analysis, and praxis was the analytical category. Regarding theoretical activity as a component of praxis, we found that most health education conceptions were based on the transmission of normative information learned from health technicians. This theoretical activity ended up guiding a practical activity typical of repetitive praxis, in which the agents do not participate in the health work planning process and do not dominate the "ideal object", reproducing tasks planned by others

    From Beam to Chassis: How to Increase NVH Performances with an Optimized Moment of Inertia Distribution

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    Car weight reduction is becoming more and more important for every kind of vehicle: minor mass implies, in fact, minor consumption, makes easier to fulfill homologation rules and assures a better handling behavior. Despite that, several vehicle missions have always been solved by adding more mass, e.g. NVH. In this paper, a methodology to optimize the stiffness distribution is proposed in order to obtain better vibrational performances without increasing the mass. At first, the problem has been solved for a simple beam using finite element and optimization algorithms. At a second stage, the optimal moment of inertia distribution found has been applied to a chassis thanks to a topometry optimization. Finally, the improvement in NVH performances has been verified comparing the inertances of the optimized model with those of the non-optimized one

    Identification of a Common Pharmacophore for Binding to MMP2 and RGD Integrin: Towards a Multitarget Approach to Inhibit Cancer Angiogenesis and Metastasis

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    During tumor angiogenesis different growth factors, cytokines and other molecules interact closely with each other to facilitate tumor cell invasion and metastatic diffusion. The most intensively studied as molecular targets in anti-angiogenic therapies are vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and related receptors, integrin receptors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Considering the poor efficacy of cancer angiogenesis monotherapies, we reasoned combining the inhibition of α(v)β(3) and MMP2 as a multitarget approach to deliver a synergistic blockade of tumor cell migration, invasion and metastasis. Accordingly, we identified a common pharmacophore in the binding cavity of MMP2 and α(v)β(3), demonstrating such approach with the design, synthesis and bioassays of tyrosine-derived peptidomimetics carrying the necessary functional groups to bind to key pharmacophoric elements of MMP2 and α(v)β(3) RGD integrin

    Design for Testability for Highly Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems

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    Abstract Highly-reconfigurable component-based systems, i.e., systems that are built form existing components and are distributed in many versions and configurations, are becoming increasingly popular. The design and verification of such systems presents new challenges. In this paper we propose a design approach that facilitates analysis and testing of different configurations by identifying and tracking relations among requirements, logic components and resources. The approach proposed in the paper allows for easily identifying different dependencies among resources, components and requirements and thus spotting the tests that must be re-executed to assure the desired level of quality
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